Happy Friday
Ahhhh the sun is shinning, the birds are singing, the grass is green, what more can we ask for?
Im chillin today but tonight I might leave for the evening. There is going to be a big parade in town by my house and the whole city will be there! I am hating crowds lately!
My keurig is calling me!
Talk on!
Good Evening Carla and OFF Family,
Carla, I hope you have a nice evening, whatever you decide to do. I enjoy parades, and it turns out, Perry, where I live, has several, throughout the Summer and Fall.
I overslept this morning. The Phillies had their fourth game in L.A. last night. Tonight'a game is in Arizona, so it starts a little earlier.
This afternoon, Colleen had me go shopping with her, so that I could take Frankie for a ride while she took Lincoln for his speech therapy. When she was done, she told me that Lincoln reached all of the benchmarks for his age. He doesn't have to go back to speech till the beginning of the school year, so he can be evaluated.
Tonight is the start of my church's missions conference. We have two couples serving in tribal areas, and they're going to share about teaching the people about Jesus. It should be interesting.
Must scoot.
Hugs, Love, and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer